Please share your comments and questions below:
172 responses to “Comments/Questions”
I am curious whether here at CVWPB we have any program in place to address the growing iguana population.
Currently, there is no Community-wide program to remove or control iguanas. Each CV Association is responsible for controlling pests on their respective properties. W.P.R.F., the company that manages the CV recreational facilities, does periodically remove iguanas from Clubhouse Island, using a licensed trapper. If your Association Board, Kent N, needs contact information for licensed trappers, they can contact me directly and I will provide this information.
Donald Foster, LCAM
Community Manager
United Civic Organization of Century Village
[email protected]
(copied from the Blog Posts, Ye2sterday (12/31)
So that Commissioner Weiss and the PBC Facilities and Planning staff can research, gather, and prepare relevant information, NOW is the time to email the Commissioner your questions and concerns about the La Quinta issue.
District 2: Gregg Weiss: [email protected]-
Thank you, Richard.
I wanted to let our leadership here at CVWPB of a VERY disappointing situation I am encountering with Breezeline. MY TIVO box failed. That is understandable because these things happen. The failure was confirmed by the Customer Service when I called and they were unable to reset the box. I thought, it would not be a problem since we have a Breezeline office on site. I disconnected the box and took it to the Breezeline Office. I was informed they do not exchange equipment at the CV Breezeline office. OK, then what? Oh, you need a service appointment. Ok, great. When? Next Wednesday. That is almost 6 days without service. How can we not have something in our contract that requires a service call sooner than several days. The company has no incentive to provide prompt repair service. No penalty? No problem? How is this allowed?
Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately, our Breezeline representative was on vacation last week. We do have an escalation procedure in place for situations just such as the one you are experiencing. The Century Village Breezeline contract calls for free, unlimited, service calls. We have an agreement that technicians should be able to respond within 2 business days. If you have been given a date longer than this, please come in to the UCO office, or call at (561)683-9189, and ask for Fausto Fabbro, or JoAnne Robinson, and we can assist you to have a technician sent out sooner.
Looking for Michael Bunk’s UCO email. Can’t seem to find it anywhere
Hi, you can reach the UCO Insurance Office by emailing to [email protected] (Mike Bunk monitors that email)
Hi. With so many recent concerns in the news about water quality, do you know if cv has lead pipes? Thankyou Beth
Great question. According to the Century Village Property Manager, Donald Foster, who has encountered almost every sort of broken pipe imaginable, “There are no lead water pipes in Century Village. In my over ten years working here, I have not encountered any lead pipes underground or behind walls. All potable water supply and most sewer drain pipes are PVC material. Some buildings have cast iron sewer drain pipes.”-
Great!! Good to know! Thanks
Website to add a guest. Thank you
The website to add a guest is
Keep in mind that you must first go to the WPRF ID Office at the clubhouse to get a passcode to use this site.
Hope this helps.
I checked with Breezeline to see if they have included Century Village WPB in their streaming service. I was told CV has not approved the stream boxes. Is there some impediment to allowing residents to choose this service? Only those who want the service would be charged. It would be great for those who travel or snowbirds who now pay two cable bills. With streaming, you can watch your tv anywhere at anytime.
Hi, to answer your question, Breezeline provides Century Village traditional broadcast cable television service under a “bulk” service agreement. The agreement is in year 5 of it’s 10 year life. Until, or unless, that agreement is renegotiated, Breezeline will most likely not be providing streaming services to Century Village.
The election process in the clubhouse was excellent and organized. Thanks to all the volunteers who made it easy for us, especially with seating for those who couldn’t stand long. 😊
Thank you for you comments.
What time and where in the Clubhouse do we vote on November 5th?
Great question! Voting will be held from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Century Village Clubhouse Party Room.
Is voting still in the Clubhouse for Century Village residents on Tuesday, November 5th?
Yes, voting will take place at the Century Village Clubhouse on November 5th.
I live in Canterbury H and pest control came by today for the first time and he left without coming in. I am new here and I don’t know who to call
Hi, Welcome to Century Village. Each Association has their own policy regarding pest control for both interior and exterior treatments. You need to speak to one of your Association’s Board members to find out the policy for your Association about interior treatments.
We dodged another hurricane: As of noon, Thursday:
Palm Beach 784,000 served; 35,040 power outages
Sarasota 299,540 ” ; 213,760 ” “
We certainly are fortunate, once again. We should, however, remain diligent about keeping a close eye on this website’s Blog Page and on the community access channels, 590/591/592 to monitor for important information. Also, make sure to “subscribe” to the UCO email service if you are not already receiving the weekly LCAM report.
I remember when we had Irma. Stratford L lost power for three days. Now, thanks to FPL fixing our problems, we didn’t lose power or our cable. Again, we did bite the bullet this time, especially with all the tornados around. I feel we were blessed.
Thank you for your comment.
I was trying to watch TV channel 591 as ch. 590 said that there would be chair exercises at 2pm. There was a screen with a code and QR code and instructions to register a player on the dashboard. My TV doesn’t have a dashboard that I know of. How do I watch chair exercises? Thx
Sorry for the inconvenience, we have been having some technical issues with the channels. Please try again at 2:00 PM the chair exercise video comes right after a short stretching video. Let us know if you continue to have a problem viewing the community access channels 590, 591 or 592.
I was trying to watch channel 591 as ch. 590 said that the delegates meeting would be shown at noon. Instead of seeing the delegates meeting there was a screen with a code and QR code and instructions to register a player on the dashboard. My TV doesn’t have a dashboard that I know of. How do I watch the delegates meeting recording? It is usually on the blog.
Thank you,
Jean Berman-
Thank you, Jean, for letting us know that you are having problems with viewing the Delegate Assembly. We will get this fixed as soon as possible.
The Christian club is running a trip to the gambling casino. Can you please tell me the info on this?
Please contact the club directly for information about their activities. Information about all of the Century Village WPB clubs is published monthly in the UCO Reporter. For Christian Club info call: Rae Boyle 561-254-2290.
Thank you, Richard. Please see the “Blog Post” page for more information about this issue. UCO is providing a bus for residents to attend the Palm Beach County Commission meeting next Tuesday.
What are we going to do to fight the city from filling up La Quinta Inn (on Okeechobee near tpke entrance) with the homeless. Our community will have homeless wandering about and likely the crime will increase. I think we need to do something to stop the city from destroying this wonderful haven. We need to organize against this to prevent the deterioration of our community and the loss of property values.
PROPOSED HOMELESS SHELTER, LA QUINTA MOTEL- On 9/17, the Palm Beach Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a plan for the PBC Facilities Acquisitions Department to “to negotiate the acquisition…of an approximately 2.99 acres parcel improved with a 114- room hotel located on 5981 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach”. It is the intention of Palm Beach County to use this property, if acquired, for “Housing Units for Homeless, Extremely Low Income and Low Income” individuals and families. To address the concerns of Century Village unit owners, PBC Commissioner Gregg Weiss sends the following message: “This is still in the preliminary stages. We will make sure to keep Century Village residents apprised of what happens next. If the County acquires the property, we will hold a town hall meeting at Century Village to tell residents about what’s going on and we will answer questions and address concerns.” As always, UCO will keep our Community updated on any developments on this matter.
Donald Foster, LCAM
Community Manager
United Civic Organization of Century Village
[email protected]
Where online can I find up to date and accurate information about UCO phone numbers, hours, etc. There is nothing I can find on this website.
Hi, Thank you for your question. If you click on the “Blog Post” Page and scroll down to the UCO Reporter September issue you can find the information you are asking about, along with a host of other important information about Century Village West Palm Beach. The UCO office phone number is 561-683-9189 and the office is open from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM for bar codes, and 12:00 PM for other business Monday to Thursday, and On Friday from 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM for barcodes, and 3:00 PM for other business. I hope that helps.
I would like to know the names of the UCO Officers and or others who negotiated the Reflection Bay agreement with Century Village.
Thank you.
Hi, So sorry for the delayed response to this question. The Reflection Bay contract was negotiated by the UCO attorney, Rod Tennyson. The UCO officers, Executive Board and Delegate Assembly accepted the recommendations made by Mr. Tennyson and signed the agreement.
I would like to place an ad. Can I do that online?
Please send an email to [email protected] and Ruth Dreiss, our Editor-in-Chief, will be glad to assist you in placing an ad.
Hi. I just finished reading my August UCO Reporter, one of my many to to resources for happenings in and around Century Village. I think Miss Ruth does a fantastic job not only with the news but keeping production in the “red”. I am disappointed with her editorial in regards to her decision about commenting on holidays. Century Village is a diverse community but last time I checked it’s address is in USA. We have many days of national celebrations, many that formed us as a country. I’m asking if Miss Ruth decided this on her own or was it a decision of the executive board? Either way should this decision have discussed or been put to the body of the community for a vote? I’m disappointed that yes even in our little community we are folding to someone else’s agenda.
Hi, Thank you for your comments. Ruth Dreiss is the Editor-in-Chief of the UCO Reporter, and as such has full editorial control of how information is presented in the paper. You can always submit questions directly to her at [email protected]
At theDelegate Assembly on Friday, Ruth announced that henceforth the policy regarding national holidays will be (a) The Reporter, as the offical publication of UCO, will write about US natinal holidays BUT (b) any resident is invited to email ([email protected]) an article about their (or their familiy’s) nation of origin’s holidays for the elucidation of the village’s residents.
Thank you, Richard.
A big thankyou Richard. One again you got things put into perceptive!
I am assisting a person who is purchasing their new home located in Salisbury I. I need to have a condo questionnaire completed. Whom can I contact?
Hi, the best source of information regarding a unit that is being purchased will be the seller or their agent. Also the Association Board may assist with some of the information.
I just moved here, Chatham T. I wrote a column every month for the newspaper in my former neighborhood for over 10 years. I have copies of my articles. They are often seasonal, holiday, or human-interest pieces. I would like to do the same for the UCO newspaper. To whom may I send samples of my writing?
Thank you
Mrs. Sandra Masters
[email protected]. 772-672-1042-
Hi, Welcome to our community. All articles can be submitted to Ruth Dreiss, Editor-in-Chief, of the UCO Reporter at the following email address: [email protected] Thank you.
To whom do I contact about re-painting the faded footpath line for walkers across from the parking lot of the Kent Pool? Vehicles leaving the condo area that encompasses roadway along side the Kent pool parking lot tend to cross the now faded line onto the area near the bushes reserved for the walkers.
Thanks for all you do
Hi, Line striping on CV roads is repainted every few years. Our Community Manager, Donald Foster, is planning a line striping project soon.
Hello, I can’t seem to find the assembly post for July. Am I missing it or has it not been posted. TIA Beth
Hi, Thank you for bringing that to our attention. The Delegate Assembly for July has been posted to the Blog Posts page this morning. Have a great day!
Hi I am a Condo owner 48 Easthampton B in CV of WPB. I would like a copy of my records of payment of both H.O.A. and w p r f made in 2024. How can I get it?
Hi, In order to get your payment history information you would need to call WPRF directly at (561)640-3120 option #3, and your property management company at Easthampton B is Seacoast, who can be reached at (561)698-4990. I hope this information helps.
Is it true that the mango trees in century village are considered in common areas, and not part of any building itself? (While the coconuts in Century Village are inedible due to pesticides, the Cilia in mango tree roots are too thin to absorb the molecules of the pesticides.) I was told that no trees belong to any actual COA and anyone who lives in CV can have access.
Thanks for your question about mango trees. Each Association owns and manages their own property and trees. Only a few coconut trees exist on common property, and as you stated we do not advise that anyone consume the coconuts from those trees. So anyone who is collecting fruit from trees other than on their own Association property is trespassing. I hope this answers your question.
The monthly Delegate meeting is usually the first Friday of the month. In July that is July 5th. A notice just went out that UCO will be closed July 4th and 5th. Please advise when the Delegate meeting will be held, July 5th or another date? Thank you!
Yes, the Delegate Assembly meeting WIL BE HELD on July 5th at the Clubhouse, as usual. The UCO Office ONLY will be closed on July 5th,and the usual Security Committee meeting has been cancelled for that day only. Sorry for any confusion our notice has caused.
I have a 30 year old son in California and I am 55 and wondered if I am allowed to have him live with me if he ever wanted to move out of San Diego where the housing situation is out of control. I don’t know if he would be interested in the future but it would be nice to know
Hi, Thanks for your question. The question about whether or not your son can live in your unit is one that comes up quite often. We do not have a “one size fits all” answer for all of Century Village on this issue. Each Association will have it’s own information about the procedure to follow for their building. We would advise you to speak to your Association President for clarification on your building’s policy.
Hello, where can I find a copy of the UCO Reporter online for January, February and March. Not seeing here on the blog.
Hi, Regina, you can find the UCO Reporter online copies for 2024 by scrolling down on the Blog Posts page. If you are using a cell phone to access the site you may only see the file name which is “UCO June 2024-WEB” this month. In the future we will be adding an archive of the older issues and those will be grouped together in their own section of the website.
Thanks for your question.
Good morning have a question will you be having another certification class for new board members coming up this month June or July Maria Hoffman 345 Norwich O west Palm [email protected] thank you
Hi, Thanks for your question. As of today, June 5, 2024 UCO does not have any Board Member Certification Classes scheduled for June or July. We will be sure to post any future classes on this website “Blog Pages” and broadcast them on the Community Access Channel 590.
Please post the June UCO Reporter on the Blog.
I see it was delivered this weekend but I like to read it on my computer where I can make it as big as I like. Thank you-
Thanks for reminding us. The long weekend has a lot of catch-up going on today. The UCO Reporter is now on on the “Blog Posts” page. Enjoy!-
I see May’s UCO Reporter but not the new June edition.
You may need to refresh your browser. The file is called “UCO June 2024-WEB” right below the Officers Committee Meeting video.
Hi there, I’m looking for an email contact for Fausto. Thx Beth S Sussex H
Fausto can be reached at [email protected]
As a board director, I rarely go to the UCO office. However, I was there today and each time I’ve been the volunteers have been polite and helpful. I’ve discovered that if I’m patient and prepared, the experience goes quite smoothly. Thanks to all involved.
Thank you so much for your kind comments.
Is occupant status only good for one year? How many board members need to approve such a request?
Hi, Thanks for your question. Yes, the Occupant status ID’s are issued for one year, and must have two board member signatures for renewal.
Is there notary service at UCO building? If so, what are days and hours of service?
Notary service is available at the UCO Office to assist Century Village residents with any building or Association business. The UCO office hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, and Friday from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM
Thank you for your question.
I am a non-resident owner. I need to communicate with the board of my building. Can I just leave a letter at the UCO office? Or is there a management company and phone number I can reach out to? How do I know which management company is responsible for my particular building? I have left three voicemail messages for the board secretary over the past several days and have not received any response.
Thank you for your question. The best place to find out who is on your board, and possibly, who is your management company, is to look up the Association on . I hope this helps.
I need my daughter to live with me and help me. She is 50 Yrs of age.
What do I have to do to make this legal according to the Condo Laws!
Thank you-
Thank you for your question. The best thing to do is talk to your Association Board and request that your daughter be added as an “Occupant” of your unit. Each Association has a procedure for processing requests of this nature.
Ignore, toss, mailings promising external water line protection for only x dollars. These plans are for single family homes only, not condos. Your condo association is responsible for the maintenance of external (and building) water lines, paid for as part of your monthly assessment.
Thank you, Richard, for reminding us that most of the time junk mail is just that – JUNK MAIL!
Good afternoon, I will be doing some work in my apartment is there a UCO/CV form that my contractor needs to file? If yes what form is it and do I pick it up at the UCO office!
Hi, Thanks for your question. UCO/CV does not have any forms for unit owners to fill out when doing work on the inside of their units. A good rule-of-thumb is before you make any changes to check with your Association Board members. Century Village is made up of 309 separate Associations and many have their own rules and bylaws that cover changes to any “common element” of the buildings.
Is there a phone number to speak to someone? Or a general email address for questions?
Hi, Yes, you can call UCO at 561-683-9189 or you can send an email to [email protected] with general questions.
Multiple issues with Breezeline
Constant problems
Plenty of people I speak to have issues. Please correct
Thank u-
Please be sure that when you have a problem with Breezeline you are calling 844-489-7509 to report the issue. This is a dedicated number for Century Village. If you are still having problems please send an email to us at [email protected] with your name, your phone number and a description of the problem. We will respond to you as soon as possible and work with our contacts at Breezeline to make sure you are getting the assistance you require. We can only help if we know what the problems are and get a chance to find a solution.
Where can I obtain the free shuttle schedule?
You can get a paper copy of the Century Village bus schedule at both the Clubhouse and the UCO Office. Also, you can go to the new page on this site “Century Village Bus Schedules” and click on that page to view the schedules in digital format.
Thanks for your questions.
How do I access the Reporter online?
Hi, if you click on the “Blog Posts” page on this website and scroll down you will see the past issues of the UCO Reporter for this year. We are working on setting up an archive of past issues prior to 2024. Stay tuned.
I’m hoping someone here can help me out. Is there a standard rule within the village about putting our units up for rent? We’ve owned our apartment for 20+ years. My mom will not be returning as a snowbird next November. I am 3 years from retiring and I don’t want to he forced to sell it if I can rent it until until I retire. At that time, I can decide if I want to move down. Thanks so much.
Hi, thanks for your question. The issue of unit rentals is brought up quite often. The ONLY way to answer you is to direct you to your Association’s Bylaws. Century Village has 309 different Associations, and each set of Bylaws addresses this issue in it’s own way. The Association’s Board of Directors should be able to tell you the rules about renting for your building.
Use safe eclipse glasses only.
Our library has run out of glasses.
Watch on TV 🙂 -
For anyone interested in the latest (2024) Condo Legislation,
Condo 3.0 – Senators return with updates- 2 Senators and Gemstone Part 2 (Link at bottom)
Date & TimeApr 10, 2024 02:00 PM in
DescriptionWith the Spring 2024 Legislative session coming to an end, see what changes will be impacting communities beginning July 1, 2024 as it relates to Milestones, SIRS, official records, new website requirements, DBRP expansion, available FREE money and transparency. A not to miss lineup including the authors of both the House and Senate bills: Rep. Vicki Lopez and Sen. Jennifer Bradley as well as VP Management and Associates Inc to share how this will impact everyday community association living and your hostess Tara Stone, CEO of Stone Building Solutions.
Good afternoon. How can organized CV clubs post photos of our newsworthy community events on our CV cable channels?
Hi Steve,
Please send any photos and club event information to [email protected] and we will do our best to get it up on channel 590/591/592 as soon as we can.-
Thanks so much!
I understand insurance costs have gone up. But 87% from last year to this for our association’s budget insurance line for 2024 is insane. How can I find out if this is accurate or a mistake? Our roof was replaced in 2022. We received that information in our annual budget prepared by Seacrest.
Hi, Insurance costs have skyrocketed all over Florida. Seacrest Services prepared your Budget using the information available from your insurance provider. If your Association participates in the UCO program you are welcome to come in to the Office and speak to someone in the Insurance Department that can go over the elements that went into providing your building’s insurance cost. I hope that answers your question.
I would like to get updated on what’s happening in our community. Thank you
Hi, In a community as large as Century Village it would be difficult to give you a concise answer here in this space. I would suggest that you take a look at channel 590/591/592 , our Community Access TV stations. You can also go to the “Blog Posts” on this website and scroll down through the various posts. Lastly, I would suggest that you read the UCO Reporter, our monthly newspaper. I hope that gives you enough information to find out about what’s happening here in the Village.
What corp owns the medical building and what is their time line in replacing Walgreens? We depend on that store and understood when they purchased the building they would not put the stores out. This is cruel and un fathomable that this pharmacy is not making profits with a captive audience of senior citizens. Something is very wrong
No corporation but Chaim Hassidim (CH), a congregation with many Village residents purchased the Medical Building two years ago. In an interview that was posted on Mr. Isreal’s now definct blog, CH’s rabbi and their lawyer stated that the congregation wanted to keep alll current tenants, whose lease payments would offset the costs of ownership. Walgreen’s corporate office, not CH, decided to close the pharmacy:
google “Walgreen’s Closing Pharmacies” for details. CH is searching for a replacement – hopefully one will be found.-
Thanks, Richard for your comments.
Breezeline Service is getting worse every day. I experience daily on taped programs, freezing, piccilation some tapings have to be deleted because they are unwatchable. Frequent rebooting because cable stops working Multiple box replacements. I’ve been asking neighbors if they’re experiencing same problems, and they are. All the repairmen have said that the system is antiquated and should be replaced. Should we have wireless. TV is a needed form of entertainment and information. We need this problem to be addressed quickly – we’re paying for something that’s not working well. Frustrating.
Hi, Please send a brief email with your name, your address, and your telephone number so that we can reach you to follow up, to [email protected]
Century Village has a dedicated representative that will be able to address your concerns. -
Agree 100% with Roberta. Same problems. Constant pixels, frozen screen. Very poor service. Tonight I discovered that one of my favorites, H and I network channel 191, disappeared and is replaced with another network on that channel. Also, many articles online explain how Breezeline is going from cable to streaming. Can’t we get a better company for our TV dollars? Really disgusted.
Century Village, with the voted consent of the Delegate Assembly, signed a ten-year contract with Breezeline (then Atlantic Broadband) in 2017. Any concerns/comments can be brought to (a) the UCO VP for your association; (b) the Broadband Committee which meets on the second Wednesday (although recently “on hiatus”); (c) Breezeline’s dedicated number: 8444897509; (d) the Breezline Store on Fairway Drive (to Southhampton); the Breezline Store in Pine Trail Square (corner of Military and Okeechobee).
Also, email us at [email protected] with your contact information and someone will contact you to assist.
Is there any way to obtain articles from previous UCO Reporter issues?
Hi, Janice, right now there is no central database with all of the issues that is accessible to look for past articles. David Israel’s blog became corrupted and it’s taking some time to reconstruct some of what was effected. If you have specific questions, or you’re looking for something specific, you can email Ruth Dreiss, the Editor-in-Chief of the UCO Reporter at [email protected]. I hope that helps.
How much do we pay monthly for cable tv and bus service? I do not know many condo owners who still use these services. Are there less costly options? HoOA assessessments have increased drastically this year. Looking for ways to reign in costs.
Hi, Great question. The cable TV and bus service fees are part of your Association’s monthly assessment. The Treasurer of your particular Association can provide you with a breakdown of the various elements that go into the monthly fees.
1. No CV amenity is used by most residents; many are used by only a fraction. Each resident subsidizes amenities that they do not use – but others subsidize amenities thsat resident does use. For example, I do not sail, watch TV, or ride the bus: I help pay for those who do. But those others underwrite my daily workout in Hastings Gym.
2. The collapse of the Surfside Condominium Tower, killing 98 residents, plus Tallahassee’s resultant financial regulations, have caused a steep rise in insurance premiums.
3. All vendor contracts are reviewed by the appropriate committee: e.g., Transportation Committee for the bus contract; Broadband Committee for TV.
Any bid must then be reviewed by the Officers Committee and the Executive Board before being presented to the Delegate Assembly for analysis and vote. Owners are encouraged to attend and comment at any of these meetings.-
Thank you for your comments, Richard.
How do I (seller) get copies of the latest budget, condo documents and frequently asked questions for new buyer? Please reply ASAP
Hi, The first place to go about budgets and condo documents is to your Association President. I hope that helps.
Is the Walgreen’s in the medical building closing? A neighbor said they had a sign on the door. When the building was purchased by the new owners they said they were not planning to close Walgreen’s because they needed the rent money, but with other retail store chains closing stores, perhaps the chain is closing it as there are other stores in the area. Anybody know?
Good Morning, Please see the “Blog Post” page for a recent statement about the Walgreens at CV. Thanks for your comments.
Why all the helicopters with search lights overhead Century Village for hours last night? Just a question too, if residents of CV are in immediate threat, do you have a warning system set up?
Hi, Last night, according to our Director of Security, the significant police presence in Century Village was due to a “Silver Alert” that is still on-going, and has moved on out of our area. To answer your question about any potential immediate threats, Century Village has a very close relationship with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office who does have an alert system for area-wide residents. Century Village also has a very active CERT Team in place to respond to emergencies. Additionally, we have almost immediate access to our Community Access TV channels 590/591/592 that can be used to alert the community of any possible threats. We also have this website’s Blog Post pages as well as a mass email system that we use regularly to keep our residents informed. I hope this addresses any concerns you have being notified of any threats.
How many condo units are in CV?
How many condo governed organizations are in CV?-
Hi, Elaine,
Century Village has 7,854 units and 309 separate condo associations.
Hi. JOAnn. I have been asked a number of times, why in breezeline?
was the on demand? System eliminated, when it was in the original contract?.-
Hi, John,
The “On Demand” service was not eliminated by Breezeline. The original non-TiVo DVR box has become obsolete and can no longer support the service. Anyone with this box can call and have it switched out for a TiVo and they will once again have access to the On Demand feature. I hope this answers your questionss.
Why aren’t the messages on the blog updated. W are already on Feb 16 and nothing is current, such as When will Kent pool be open, why no hot water in clubhouse showers, will the men’s clubhouse showers ever open again. The original blog was much better. Also no weekly update about the village. Is there another place that you are posting all these updates?
Hi, I’m really sorry that you are not seeing the updates on the Blog Posts Page of this website. You may need to refresh your browser, or possibly change some settings so that your computer recognizes new content. As far as what’s going on with the Community pools and various issues at the Clubhouse, these facilities are managed by WPRF and we do pass along as much as possible as we get updates from them. Also, we post the monthly meetings, and the Operations Meeting usually has updates on all the various projects that are being worked on such as the Men’s Room at the Clubhouse. Thanks so much for your comments, and we will try to continue to keep our residents informed.
Hi there; Has the link to Hurricane Preparation been captured?( If not where can I go to review it? Thanks Beth (Sussex H)
Hi, Beth. I’m not exactly sure what link you are referring to regarding Hurricane Preparedness. You might want to check with the UCO CERT committee that meets every second Friday of the month at the Main Clubhouse at 1:00 PM
I was at the most recent mtg of CERT and I was directed to your site for which is supposed to be the link to hurricane preparation guide.? Where should I go now????? thanks
Hi, So sorry you are having difficulty getting to this site. I have sent your question to John Hess, CERT Committee Chairperson. You should be hearing from him shortly.
why has my gate transponder stopped working….it’s less than 6 months old
Please stop by the UCO office Monday – Thursday 9:00 to 11:30 AM or Friday 12:00 to 2:30 PM and we can help you with your barcode issue.
I wish to thank Bobbi Levin and her committee for a lovely volunteer luncheon. The food was great and the cake delicious. Happy to see so many people enjoying themselves. Thanks must also go to Ken Graff for the lovely sideshow of photos of our beautiful community.
How do I go about getting a listing into your paper
Please send an email to Ruth Dreiss, Editor-in-Chief of the UCO Reporter at: [email protected]
I just found out about this new web page. I am horrible at reading blogs. This is a great idea! Thank you! How can I find the info on what is considered common ground and private. We were discussing the fruit trees. Although not recommended because of pesticides, it is my understanding, fruit bearing trees are all considered common ground. My friend thinks that each building owns out 15 feet from the walls of the building and all fruit trees are only for the building’s use. Is there anyway someone can do an article on this in the UCO Reporter, or can you direct to this info? Now I am really curious. Also, our building does not allow patios in the by-laws. Our board says because we do not own outside the walls. I am happy in my little corner of the world but now I am curious as to what the actual “rules” are.
Thank you for any info and thank you so much for creating this website. A lot of work goes into setting this up. Thank you so much!!-
Hi, Jane. To answer some of your questions, with the exception of a few coconut trees on the main roads, fruit trees have been planted by, and are the responsibility of, the individual associations who have allowed them to be planted on their property. As far as patios, and ownership issues, I would refer you to your association’s by-laws and Section 718 of the Florida State Statutes for clarification. I hope this has been somewhat helpful.
Speeding continues from entrance on Haverhill to east drive . Can’t cips sit at the realty center and issue tickets between 4 and 6 pm. It’s like a race track
I just saw the response from the other day. Sorry for the inconvenience. T y for your response. I will keep on looking for any info on meetings.
Donna. -
What is your mailing address. A board member needs to mail a UCO application to you from NEW YORK
Hi, The address for the UCO Office is 2102 West Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33417. I have to mention, however, that the Investigation Committee does not accept applications that are mailed in. All applications must be submitted by an Association Board member who comes to the UCO office and signs in. Please do not have anyone mail an application in to UCO.
Really need to come into the world that we live in. Applications should be digital abd accepted via email
Is there any information on the beautification committee addressing the Haverhill entrance plants ? The hibiscus on the right side upon entering need to be looked at ..There are many spaces and plants are not thriving .looks messy and unkempt. Maybe a different and / or more hearty plant or plants should be considered. There are also other plantings that are not flourishing as well . The Okeechobee entrance is much neater and in better condition. This has been an ongoing issue. Common areas also need some sprucing up as well… many plants here are quite old . The overall appearance is an asset to selling and an incentive for owners to keep their landscaping neat and flourishing ….thank you
Donna C-
Hi, Donna, and thank you for your comments. The issues that you raise are handled by the Beautification Committee which has been on hiatus for some time now. Stewart Richland, UCO Vice President, is the Chairman of this committee and has indicated that he will be starting the committee up again in the near future. Please keep an eye out for the monthly UCO Committee Schedule both in the UCO Reporter and on the Community Access Channel 590 for information about upcoming meetings. These are all open meetings and we encourage all of our residents to participate and attend any committee meeting that they are interested in.
Are the trees being replaced and Southampton C that have been taken out?
Good Morning Mr. Frestani-
I am not sure which trees that you are referring to, but I do know that FPL was doing some tree trimming recently in back of Southampton C, and there was very likely some tree removals on the Reflection Bay property, in preparation for the construction that will soon start there.
UCO is also planning to remove some trees and brush along the fenceline at the east side of Southampton C. This work has not yet happened, and any trees/palms that are to be removed at that area will not be replaced.
Donald Foster, LCAM
Property Manager
United Civic Organization of Century Village
I saw that the clubhouse will be closed 1/31/24 for water maintenance. There was a class listed from Mark Friedman of Becker 1/31 from 10:30-11:30AM in the theater. Will that be rescheduled?
Jean Berman,
Northampton N-
Hi, unfortunately, the class that was scheduled for tomorrow will have to be rescheduled, and as soon as we have a date and time we will post it to the Blog Post page as well as on channel 590.
Stay tuned.
When will the February UCO reporter be online?
Only see the January edition.-
Hi, The February 2024 edition of the UCO Reporter is posted between the Operations Meeting and the Officers Meeting on the Blog Post Page of this website. Look for a button that says “Download UCO Reporter”
Hi Joanne, Many thanks for your work on the blog. I particularly like TV 590 channel when it is all calendar events and notices. I can watch on TV and fill in my calendar. I do prefer the channel without photos and extras. Just calendar items are the most efficient for me. Other channels can have other purposes. Thanks Again,
Is donald foster still the lcam ? have not seen a weekly report recentl
Hi, Yes Donald Foster is still the Century Village LCAM. If you are not getting His Weekly Reports you may want to check and see if you are still subscribed to receive them. Just click on the “Subscribe” button of the front page of this website. Also, you may want to check your “Spam” folder. Since the reports go out from a mass-mailing site called MailChimp, your email settings may see them as spam. Thanks for keeping in touch.
I’m in the process of getting hurricane impact windows. USA Windows and Doors asked me for an Architectural Modification Request form. My HOA president hasn’t heard of this form. Would UCO have a compy of this form?
Hi Tammy,
Great question. UCO does not have the form that you are asking about because UCO would not be acting on behalf of an Association in these matters. Modification of the “Common Elements” of your condominium is generally covered under your Association By-Laws or other related documents. You might want to check with your management company (Seacrest, Pruitt, etc.) and/or you association attorney. Thanks for your question.
Hello – It is Monday afternoon 1/22 and someone put out a mattress, bed frame and headboard which will not be collected for 5 days until Friday. I do have a photo and can send that along. Is there anything that can be done as the trash collection bins are for Kent H and the eye sore is the view directly in front of my living room windows.
Thank you for letting us know about this issue. Your comment has been sent to our LCAM, Donald Foster, who will be able to address this with the appropriate people at Kent H. In the future, if this happens again, the best thing to do is snap a picture with your cell phone and forward it to Donald at [email protected]
Enjoying the new blog. Very informative. Kudos!
Thanks, Joyce
This new web site is very fast and set up to be very user friendly!! Thank you for donating your Time to make it happen!!
Thanks for your feedback. We appreciate knowing that word is getting out about the new site.
Re: Bedford H & Sheffield J
I have not yet received the breakdown for the UCO quarterly dues. What is the quarterly total and the amount for each line item?
Thank you!
The approved UCO Budget for 2024 was delivered to all Property Managers on 10/8/23. Please speak to your property manager, Seacrest, Pruitt, or CMC. If you are a “self-managed” building please feel free to come into the UCO office and we can help you directly.
What is the new Garbage delivery schedule?
I do hope you mean “Garbage PICK-UP” Any schedule changes would be noted in the monthly UCO Reporter newspaper which should be delivered on the last week end of every month to each building.
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